CAM-X Continues Support of Breast Cancer Research

This year, with the support of CAM-X members and vendors, the association raised an astounding $50,000 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.  The ever generous John Ratliff not only offered up his lovely locks to be shorn in the “Shave to Save” event, but also handed over a check for $10,000, the result of his staff members’ fundraising efforts.  Before the last lock fell to the floor, another $26,500 was raised to support this important research.  Derek Crisafulli of Icon Salon in Las Vegas donated his time and talent to supervise the shave.  “I was surprised and proud to be chosen to help out for this worthy cause,” said Derek.

Attendees at the annual fundraising event were persuaded by Answernet’s Gary Pudles with his awesome auctioneering skills to part with yet another $14,000 before the night was over.  “CAM-X members continue to demonstrate their innate philanthropy and generosity by raising a grand total of $50,000 to be donated to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.  I am so proud, but not at all surprised at their accomplishment.” said CAM-X Executive Director Linda Osip.

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