Connections Magazine welcomes articles of potential interest to our readers, who are primarily in the outsourcing call center, or teleservice call center industry. This information is provided so that you can submit articles with the greatest chance of being accepted for publication. We look forward to receiving your articles and sharing it with our readers; these guidelines will help us to achieve this goal.
General Guidelines: For your article, select a topic of relevant interest to our readers and which you have ample personal knowledge or experience. An ideal length is 800 to 1,200 words. Longer articles will be edited for length or not used.
Submissions should not include any self-promotion of the author or the author’s company. Articles can include company information in a short (2 to 3 sentences) author bio at the end of the article.
Unfortunately, not all submissions can be used.
Editing: Accepted articles will be edited for length, style, grammar, organization, syntax, and clarity; additional text could be added. This is at the sole discretion of Connections Magazine and should not be taken personally; it is a reality of publishing. When editing, we will act in good faith to preserve your intended message; it is not practical to notify authors of edits.
Website: Once accepted, we will add your article to the Connections Magazine website. Over 2,400 articles are currently on-line. Your article will then be included in the next issue.
Compensation: Connections Magazine is not able to compensate writers. We also feel it is inappropriate to trade articles for ad space, press release considerations, or other rewards. We do ask you to include a short bio about yourself. These will be added at the conclusion of your article, providing indirect promotion.
Submission: All articles must be submitted via email, attached as a Microsoft Word document. .
Deadlines: Connections Magazine accepts submissions on a continual basis and will use them as soon as possible, which might not be the next issue. The sooner that an article is submitted, the sooner it can be used. Refer to our submission deadlines for the latest that it can be submitted for possible consideration in a particular issue.
Editorial Policy: Authors who submit articles to Connections Magazine agree to the following:
- Edits will be made at the discretion of Connections Magazine regarding length, style, grammar, organization, syntax, and clarity.
- Article publication and placement are at the sole discretion of Connections Magazine.
- By submitting your work, you grant Connections Magazine full, yet non-exclusive, rights to publish your submission in any printed and/or electronic form both now and in the future.
- Acceptance of these terms is a precondition of publication by Connections Magazine.