English to Spanish Primer

By Carmen Maldonado

An alternative to language interpretation or bilingual outsourcing for simple and basic communications is to handle it in-house. Carmen Maldonado of A-1 Answering Service
in Las Vegas, Nevada has entered a mini English to Spanish dictionary into a directory in their Amtelco Infinity system. The directory is indexed by the English word or phrase, with the Spanish equivalent spelled out phonetically. All the agents need to do is simply read the phonetic spellings to be well understood.  Maldonado indicates that the listing is useful in assisting agents with limited Spanish abilities, as well as staff who know no Spanish.

English                                                          Spanish

Air conditioning                                              Ay-Rea-Cone-Dee-Sha-Na-Doe

An hour                                                          Oo-Na Or-Ra

Apartment number please                            Sue Apart-Ta-Mentay Numbero Pour Fa-Vore

Bathroom                                                      Ser-Vee-See-Oh   or   Bon-Yo

Daughter                                                      Ee-Ha

Do you speak English?                                Habla Oo-Sted Ing-Gles

Eight                                                             Oh-Cho

Everyday                                                      To-Dos Los Dias

Father                                                          Pa-Dray

Five                                                              Sinko

Four                                                             Quatro

Friday                                                          Vee-Air-Ness

Goodbye                                                     Odd-Ee-Ose

He’s/She’s not in                                        No Es-Ton

Hello                                                           Bueno

How can I help you?                                  En Kay Lay Pway-Doe You-Dar

How old are you?                                      Quan-Toes On-Nose Tee-Nay Oos-Ted

I don’t know                                               No Say

I don’t understand                                     No En-Tee-En-Doe

Is this an emergency?                              Es-ToeEs Oona E-Mer-Hen-See-Ya?

Is your unit working at this time?              Su Unidad Esta Trabahondo En Este Tiempo

Monday                                                     Loon-Is

Mother                                                      Ma-Dray

Nine                                                          New-Ev-Ay

No                                                             No

Office is closed                                        La Off-Is-Seena Sir-Otto

One                                                          Oo-No

Open                                                        Ah-Bee-Air-Toe

Please                                                      Pour Fa-Vore

Please repeat it                                        Re-Pee-Tay-Low Pour Fa-Vore

Please speak more slowly                       Habla Oos-Ted Mas Des-Pa-See-O

Repeat it please                                       Re-Pee-Tay-Low Pour Fa-Vore

Saturday                                                   Sa-Ba-Doe

Seven                                                       See-Et-Tay

Shower                                                     Doo-Cha

Six                                                            Says

Someone will contact you                       All-Gain Lay Entrara En Contacto Cone

Son                                                          Ee-Ho

Speak more slowly please                      Ablay Mass Des Pass Ee-O Pour Fa-Vore

Sunday                                                    Domingo

Telephone number please                      Sue Noom-Bay-Rose Telephono Pour Fa-Vore

Ten                                                          Dee-Ez

Thank you very much                             Moo-Chas Gra-See-Yas

The line is busy                                      La Lee-Nya Esta Oh-Koo-Pa-Da

This doesn’t work                                   Es-To No Foon-See-Oh-Na

Three                                                      Trace

Thursday                                                Way-Vez

Tuesday                                                 Mar-Tess

Two                                                        Dose

Wednesday                                           Me-Air-Ko-Less

What is her name?                               Ko-Mo Se Yama Aye-Ya

What is his name?                               Ko-Mo Se Ya-Ma El

What is the name of the street?          Kwal Es El Nom-Bre De Ki-Yay

What is your address?                        Sue Dee-Wreck-See-Own Ess

What is your daytime
telephone number?                        Cual Es Su Mumero De Telefono Del Dia

What is your last name?                     Kay Ess Sue Apay-Yee-Doe

What is your name?                            Ko-Mo Say Ya-Ma?

What’s the matter?                              Kay Lay Mo-Les-Ta

Where are you staying?                      Don-De-Se Per-Ma-Nessay Oos-Ted

Where do you live?                             Don-De-Vee-VeOos-Ted

Yes                                                      See

Yes, a little                                           See, Oon Po-Kee-Toe

You’re welcome                                  De Na-Da

[From Connection MagazineJune 2003]