Case Study: Orlando Regional Healthcare

When Orlando Regional Healthcare replaced its aging CTI system with an enterprise-level PC attendant console system, it got a new feature that stirred interest throughout the organization: a Web interface for users outside the call center.  The application was an instant hit, enabling employees to perform their own paging, directory lookups, and on-call scheduling from their individual Web browsers.

“Everybody loves Smart Web,” says Mike Spencer, Telecommunications Manager for Orlando Regional Healthcare. “We now have directory lookup and text paging on every desktop in the organization. As we roll out new PCs to nurses’ stations, we’re loading a Smart Web shortcut as an icon at startup. It couldn’t be easier to access and use.”

The Web services feature has helped enable the Orlando Regional Healthcare call center to process an increasing number of calls without hiring additional agents: More than 60 percent of their one million pages per year have been offloaded from agents and are now sent directly by physicians and medical staff via IVR and Web paging.

Smart Web and its related CTI database/operator console system is provided by Amcom Software.

[From Connection MagazineOctober 2003]