Many employers hire candidates from the Internet. Although not a bad idea, not all good candidates are online. You cannot rely completely on the World Wide Web for all your recruiting needs; recruiting ideal labor takes work.
Having a hiring plan is a great step in achieving stronger employment. It also provides competitive advantages, such as lowered costs, successful hires, and reducing employee burnout. Here are effective tips on recruiting ideal labor:
Set Clear Requirements for the Position, Not the Person: The first step to finding the best candidates for a position is to have a compelling vision of what the job entails. Be specific with your job descriptions; ask hiring managers what the person really needs to do to be successful. Remember that the best candidates will only apply to a position that offers growth opportunities.
Establish a Powerful Pitch: Your pitch needs to attract the best candidates for the job. For example, “Are you willing to explore a job position that is clearly superior to what you are doing now?” Most of the qualified candidates will answer yes. Using this approach every time you talk to a qualified candidate will help you hire the best among the rest. Also, use this in your advertising to extend your reach in recruiting ideal labor.
Take Advantage of Resume Databases: To avoid wasting your time on resume databases, make sure to only call your top candidates on the first week of recruiting before someone else hires them. For the rest of the qualified candidates, you can send them an email with a compelling description of the job. Send the email to anyone who qualifies for your requirements and include a call-to-action for them to respond.
Make Appealing Advertisements: Traditional job descriptions are obsolete. Do not bore candidates with traditional advertisement that list skills and work experience; instead use creative titles and describe what he or she will be doing and learning. Include possible growth opportunities. This strategy is effective in recruiting the ideal person.
Phone Interviews: For call center agents, conduct a phone interview first; for at-home agents, conduct two phone interviews before meeting them in person.
Kathy Sisk, founder and president of Kathy Sisk Enterprises Inc., is a trainer and consultant, contributing thirty-five years of expertise to the telemarketing, sales, and customer service industries.
[From Connection Magazine – Sep/Oct 2015]