Amtelco Intelligent Series Now Includes Demo Web-Scripting

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Amtelco has added “demo web-scripting” (web-scripting in a “test-drive” mode) as a standard feature to the Intelligent Series (IS).

Many Amtelco IS web-scripting customers have requested a simple way to give online demonstrates of the Intelligent Series call flow and operator guidance to their current and prospective clients. Demo web-scripting makes this quick and easy to do.

Tom Curtin, president, said, “The Intelligent Series web-scripting is a perfect fit and will help Amtelco Intelligent Series users sell more of their services to more customers. The demo mode of web-scripting is the way to make that first impression a great impression with potential customers.”

The demo web-scripting mode is available free to all of the current users of the IS web-scripting software. For more information, contact Amtelco at 800-356-9148 or

In other Amtelco news, the 2012 National Amtelco Equipment Owners Conference (NAEO) took place in Las Vegas, Nevada, on February 19-22. Many NAEO members attended. Amtelco welcomed all of the attendees to a reception on Monday evening.

Amtelco participated in the pre-conference activities by presenting an Amtelco University (AU) session covering tips and tricks to maximize efficiency and increase profits.

Kevin Beale, Amtelco’s vice president for R & D software, presented new developments designed to add new services and to increase profits for call centers. Beale offered his comments twice during the conference.

Amtelco also provided in-depth technical presentations including “The Real Nuts and Bolts of Infinity” presented by Greg Beale, Amtelco’s director of customer service, and Jody Laluzerne, customer service supervisor. The Amtelco demo room kept busy throughout the event.

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