Amtelco’s Innovation Machine

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Amtelco’s Innovation Machine provides an on-line forum for Amtelco customers to submit ideas for new products and suggestions for improvements to existing products.

Users can enter ideas, search the database, and rank the usefulness of ideas submitted by others. The Innovation Machine is based on Amtelco’s Infinity Intelligent Series web scripting feature.

When a user submits an idea, the script dispatches an immediate reply that the idea has been received. The script also automatically sends follow-up emails when other users react to and rank the idea, and as Amtelco staff read, react to, and move ahead with the suggestion.

Amtelco customers have used it to submit 224 ideas and Amtelco’s software department has implemented 65 of those customer ideas, with more in the works. The Innovation Machine has increased in popularity as Amtelco customers recognize the value accorded to their ideas by the software development team.

For more information on Amtelco’s Innovation Machine, contact Amtelco at 800-356-9148 or

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