The Infinity operator grouping feature provides settings for assigning an employee ID and a statistics group number to operators for sorting operators’ activities in reports.
The operator grouping feature adds an employee ID setting and a statistics group setting to the operator setup screens in the Infinity Supervisor application. The employee ID and operator group designation can be used to group operator statistics in the MDR op login and MDR op interval reports.
The latest version of the message detail reporting (MDR) op login report and the MDR op interval report include a “grouping options” parameter that enables you to group the report data by op group, employee ID, or none.
Infinity Intelligent Series reporting allows scheduling Infinity reports and creating custom reports as needed, including all of the Infinity call tracker event (CTE) and MDR reports. Each report can be run on command or can be scheduled to run hourly, weekly, daily, or monthly on the days and times specified.
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