Annual ATA Awards

During its 2009 Convention & Expo, held October 4-7 in New Orleans, American Teleservices Association (ATA) recognized individuals, ATA chapters, and member companies for their significant contributions to the ATA and impact on the teleservices industry.  The 2009 ATA award recipients were:

  • ATA Expo Best of Show Awards:
    PossibleNow; Etech;
    Contact Center Compliance;
  • Chapter Recruitment Awards: 
    NY Metro Chapter and Great Lakes Chapter (3rd quarter 2008);
    Great Lakes Chapter (4th quarter 2008);
    NY Metro Chapter (1st quarter 2009);
    Ohio Valley Chapter (2nd quarter 2009)
  • Foundation Award: John Stanovcak of WorldShoring
  • Fulcrum Award: Ray Pollum of NobelBiz
  • International Teleservices Champion: Patricia Alzate of Teleaccion
  • Making a Difference Awards:
    Inktel Direct, TCIM, Protocol Global Solutions (Outstanding Corporate Citizen Awards);
    ATA Arizona Chapter (Outstanding Philanthropic Chapter Award);
    Gary Pudles of AnswerNet (Spirit of Philanthropy Award)
  • Pioneer Hall of Fame: Warren Golden of Cyber City Teleservices
  • Award for Vendor Excellence:  Possible Now
  • Technovation Awards:
    Contact Center Compliance (for their online Compliance Guide),
    Verint Systems, Inc. (for their Impact 360 Speech Analytics product),
    Pearson—Knowledge Technologies (for their Versant English Test),
    Cicero (for CTI capabilities and .NET framework)