Answer 1 Communications has become a leader in the teleservices industry under the guidance of company president Mary Jones. Jones and Answer 1 met 60 requirements in areas including business practices, training and emergency procedures before receiving the 24/7 Gold Certification. “I am so very proud of our entire staff for the recent top score for the Award of Distinction from our association,” said Jones. “Our experience and complete dedication to customer service along with meeting the criteria for Gold Site Certification has made us one of the leaders in this industry.”
Answer 1 based in Phoenix, AZ provides bilingual live telemessaging services, remote receptionist service, order taking, help desk, and other communication services for over 30 years and is the recipient for six consecutive years of the ATSI awards: The Award of Excellence and the Award of Distinction. Answer 1 also received four CAM-X awards: The Award of Distinction and the Award of Excellence.