A free seminar will take place on Wednesday, June 17, 2009, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the ATSI convention. Independent industry experts will discuss technologies that will increase your business’s revenue and provide unlimited growth potential. The seminar takes place in the Cambria East & West Room at the Westin Hotel, preceding the ATSI Conference, in Pittsburgh, PA.
A continental breakfast will be provided. All attendees will receive a free copy of renowned author Clayton M. Christensen’s book, The Innovator’s Dilemma.
Soft Switch Technology: Hardware-dependent solutions can stagnate your call center and prevent you from stepping into the future. Soft switch technology is already in use today and can provide you with:
- Decreased total cost of ownership
- Scalability: the opportunity for unlimited, unobstructed growth
- Open-source switch technology, such as Asterisk, Freeswitch, or Yates.
Hosted Services: Learn how to take advantage of the latest technologies that provide cost reduction and increased revenue for your business.
Messaging Solutions: See how call centers can use messaging solutions to enhance communication efficiency and increase profitability.
[Connections Magazine is proudly published by Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD editor.]