The Southern Telemessaging Association (STA) announced its contract with Jan Lee of PaceLine Communications to conduct a leadership workshop in Chattanooga, TN November 6-8. “I have known Jan since the mid 1980s,” said Dan L’Heureux, STA Executive Director, “I was pleased to reconnect with her and bring her outstanding program through PaceLine Communications to both the WSTA (May 2009) and ASTAA (October 2009) regional meetings and now to the STA as well in November.”
The goal of this workshop is to teach individuals to be effective leaders by learning to relate to people on a one-to-one basis by employing individualistic strategies for motivation and learning how to relate to people individually, thereby reducing miscommunication and increase Client and CSR satisfaction. Because the primary focus will be on learning the process of communication, this workshop is for owners, supervisors, lead-agents, CSRs and anyone who deals with people in their jobs.