nCall v4 Released

Gives Performance, Security, and Resilience

The result of nearly two years’ work, nSolve released nCall v4, Jan 2023. It is a significant rework of the suite bringing performance, security, and resilience. Major enhancements include:

Operator Console Offline Mode: If the operator’s console detects a connection dropout with the nCall central server, it automatically switches to offline mode. In offline mode operators can continue to handle calls and take messages, even if the connectivity loss is multiple hours. When the console detects connectivity has been re-established the calls and messages taken offline are automatically synchronized to the central server. The console then reverts to its normal mode with no operator input required.

Console-Server Security: Console to server connections are now secured by SSL certificates. This provides extra data privacy protection. In the long term it removes the need for a private network connection (VPN), along with associated IT administration savings.

Built in Web-Browser Updated: nCall v4 now uses the Edge Browser. This allows support for more modern websites and scripts. It also provides security and performance improvements.

Rebuilt with Newer Development Tools: While invisible to the user, nCall applications are now created using up-to-date compiler tools. This ensures better long-term support to the nCall suite.

Softphone Encrypted Audio Added: Improvements to the nCall Buzz softphone include allowing the audio calls to be encrypted and the SIP server to be verified using TLS certificates.

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