Opus Research Examines Transformation of Customer Contact Centers

Opus Research conducted an industry survey about the adoption of online tools into enterprise customer care programs.  A majority of respondents believe that improved customer service through new community-building and collaboration platforms and tools will help them gain a competitive advantage.  However, concerns over network complexity and performance have impeded the adoption of these resources.  In fact, 45 percent of respondents do not use social media to communicate with end-users.

“The days of the monolithic contact center are dead.  Adding social media tools to the enterprise communication infrastructure engages customers and promotes loyalty and longevity.  Nonetheless, there is still a great deal of uncertainty in the market,” said Dan Miller, senior analyst and founder, Opus Research.  “Companies that ignore social media as a key ingredient in the conversational contact center leave themselves vulnerable to aggressive competitors.  On the other hand, organizations which rush into a social media deployment without proper planning and testing run the risk of tarnishing their reputations.  Before organizations incorporate social media into their customer care and support call flows, they must be certain their networks are capable of handling an increased level of complexity.”

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