Paul Lloyd Inducted into CAM-X Hall of Fame

Congratulations to Paul Lloyd (Answer Plus, Toronto, ON) on his induction into the 2009 CAM-X Hall of Fame.  This presentation took place during the Gala banquet at CAM-X’s Annual Convention and Trade Show.  The CAM-X Hall of Fame was established in 2001 to recognize individuals whose leadership contributed to the development of the call center industry.  It celebrates inductees for their accomplishments, their vision, and their leadership as well as for their tireless efforts to promote, support and protect the industry.

The Award of Excellence, which celebrates its 20 year anniversary this year, can be directly related to Paul’s innovative foresight.  In 1988 Paul, serving as a CAM-X director, suggested incorporating a benchmarking program as an industry tool to exemplify the all important customer service aspect of the call center industry.  Over the ensuing years, the popularity of the award grew and CAM-X was quick to grow with it.  The CAM-X Award of Excellence program is also used as an effective training tool to enhance and expand customer service for registered participating members.

[Connections Magazine is proudly published by Peter Lyle DeHaan, PhD editor.]