Survey results revealed during the American Teleservices Association’s Annual Convention and Expo show that U.S. companies that outsource teleservices shifted a substantial portion of their business from off-shore to domestic providers over the past year. This move reflects a significant increase in satisfaction with domestic teleservices firms, according to a new survey conducted by the American Teleservices Association (ATA) and sponsored by DialAmerica.
In the survey, fielded last month among 27 major U.S. companies that outsource over $300 million in customer acquisition and customer care functions, 44 percent of respondents said they only used domestic teleservices vendors, a jump from 28 percent a year earlier. Consistent with this shift, respondents that said they utilized a combination of domestic and international teleservices vendors dropped from 71 percent in 2008 to 48 percent in 2009.
Overall satisfaction with teleservices providers rose year over year. Respondents who said they were “very satisfied” with their most recent teleservices relationship increased from 18 percent in 2008 to 25 percent in 2009. Combining “very satisfied” and “somewhat satisfied” responses revealed an overall improvement in satisfaction from 83 percent in 2008 to 92 percent in 2009. However, satisfaction with off-shore vendors rose more modestly in the ATA survey. “Very satisfied” respondents increased from 6 percent to 12 percent from 2008 to 2009, while “somewhat satisfied” respondents increased from 53 percent to 59 percent.
Accompanying the greater satisfaction levels in the survey, respondents indicated they were less likely to change their teleservices vendor relationship in the coming year. Only twenty-four percent said they were “very likely” to change, compared with 32 percent in last year’s survey.
Other key findings of the survey include:
- 52 percent of respondents say they plan to increase their teleservices program next year; 40 percent say they expect to maintain their teleservices program next year.
- Of those that plan a budget increase, 43 percent say it will be in the 10-20 percent range; 29 percent say their increase will be in the 20-30 percent range.