Debbie Bibber, president of the Telescan Users Network (TUNe) announced the board decision to retain the services of Dan L’Heureux as executive director. “I know we can make TUNe an excellent organization, “said Bibber, “and we are pleased to have been able to get Dan to help us. For many years,” she continued, “TUNe has been run by volunteers and while that has gotten us to where we are, it’s time to move forward. Our board made the decision based on various board members positive experiences in working with L’Heureux on other organization boards and his willingness to be flexible to our needs.”
TUNe is a user’s group for telemessaging call center owners that utilize the Telescan systems. Telescan, LLC is based in St Louis and designs hardware and software solutions for the telemessaging industry, call centers, and answering services.
TUNe’s annual meeting will be held in St. Louis September 9-11, 2009 at the Lumiere Place Hotel & Casino.
For further information contact Dan L’Heureux 763-473-0210.