A Successful Presentation

By Kathy Sisk

A successful presentation has an impact on the audience. Most audiences are more moved by what they see (55 percent) compared to what they hear (7 percent for word choice and 38 percent for tone of voice). People are more likely to take in information they see instead of what they hear. Therefore, when presenting over the phone, you need to ensure that your presentation is well thought out and presented to compensate for the loss of visuals.

First, an effective presenter should establish an emotional connection with the audience. Without an emotional connection, your message may not be fully understood. Second, you must maintain a high level of energy to keep the audience attentive throughout the presentation. Enthusiasm goes a long way!

Make sure what you say holds the interest of your audience. Your goal is an outcome that impresses your audience and communicates your intended message. Here’s how:

Know Your Audience: Developing your presentation toward a certain market you are going after is essential. You need flexibility based on your audience. For example, presenting to upper management calls for a specific level of expertise in order for them to resonate with your intended message.

Research Thoroughly and Document Sources: Be an expert about your topic. Know critical facts as well as little-known information. Incorporate information from reputable sources to make your presentation interesting and validate your claims.

Create Your Presentation: Your aim in a successful presentation is to talk to the audience instead of reading your presentation. Design your presentation to make it sound convincing and attractive. Decide key points ahead of time, and be prepared to address questions and objections.

Prepare Yourself: Role-play different scenarios so you are ready for any issue you might encounter. This will boost your confidence and minimize nervousness.

Present Your Material: Remember, you are the expert. When presenting over the phone, use the same gestures as you would in a face-to-face situation. Using facial and hand expressions and body language for emphasis and to paint mental images for your audience will improve your presentation. Always keep in mind that the key to a successful presentation is remembering that you are the presentation.

Kathy Sisk, founder and president of Kathy Sisk Enterprises Inc., is a trainer and consultant, contributing thirty-five years of expertise to the telemarketing, sales, and customer service industries.

[From Connection MagazineMarch/April 2016]