ATSI Planning a Productive Year

By Donna West

If the ATSI Convention is the culmination of a year’s work, then the board of directors’ planning meeting is the launch of the work to be accomplished this year. There is much in store for ATSI’s members if this year’s liftoff is any sign. As ATSI president Dennis O’Hara shared his goals for the organization, there was no doubt that this would be a busy year. “We all need to contribute,” he admonished. “If anyone finds that they cannot fulfill their commitment, please let us know right away so we can find someone to step in.” However, it was clear that this board has lofty ambitions. Each committee has multiple projects to address, and there are numerous openings for members to help execute these projects.

The marketing committee is already churning out everything from “Marketing in Minutes” (with marketing ideas everyone can use right now) to readying the Marketing Tool Kit Part II, full of electronic brochures and sales pieces that can be easily customized to fit any member’s offerings. There will be much more, so if being in on the ground floor on some of these projects sounds like your idea of fun, contact Mike Fultz or Wil Porter.

President O’Hara issued his greatest challenge to the membership committee. Dennis wants to increase ATSI’s membership by 200 companies, and he noted that ATSI has not spent money and energy for this kind of effort in many years. Cochairs Jonathan Pierce and Lori Jenkins are already hard at work on various plans for attracting and admitting new members and would welcome additional people to their team.

The education committee, led by president elect Larry Goldenberg and cochairs Stacy Polinsky and Donna West, is planning webinars, additional newsletter offerings, and a business book discussion club. If you are interested in writing articles or leading a book discussion or webinar, contact Larry.

Brian Gilmore chairs government relations, which will be active again this year with the FUSF issue and some others. Darlene Campbell remains the head of the advocacy working group; both welcome additional hands and minds to fight the good fight for ATSI members and nonmembers alike.

Marcy Hewlett and Mary Jones are cochairs of the 2009 convention committee. The annual conference will be held at the Westin Convention Center Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 17-20. The innovation and technology theme is already shaping up nicely. Marcy and Mary are going to need lot of help, so please give them the benefit of your expertise.

There are more committees for you to join if you are interested. Gary Pudles will continue his role on the public relations subcommittee. John Robinson chairs both the vendor relations committee and the insurance committee.  Beth Cooper will chair the industry accreditation/certification committee as well as the awards committee. Industry Standards will continue to be guided by Ray Shaw, and for right now, Dennis and ATSI EVP, Charlene Glorieux, share the oversight of the Internet/website committee.

We all know that the best way to get the full benefit of anything is to become involved in it. The board of ATSI encourages the entire membership to take a small part of this year’s excitement and make it their own. There are many committees and projects that could use your assistance!

[From Connection Magazine November 2008]