Ask Kathy: The C and D Agents

By Kathy Sisk

Understanding the four levels of agents can improve productivity, lower burnout, and reduce turnover. In the last issue we discussed the A and B level agents; here are the other two levels.

The C Agent: The C agent has been through extensive training; he or she is capable of overcoming resistance and not intimidated by objections. C agents thrive on challenges; they do well with higher pay and bonuses. They believe stability is based on their ability to perform, and they are competitive.

C agents handle prospects left in a pending status from B agents. They are more equipped to overcome objections and close. The percentage of C agents is around 20 percent. Although they are not your core agents, they are higher producers, and when you recognize them as such, they experience greater job satisfaction. These agents should focus on reviving lost accounts; they should follow up on pending sales, up-sell, cross-sell, and handle larger accounts.

Most C agents need some monitoring and managing unless they are among the few completely self-reliant agents; move these standouts to the next level.

The D Agent: The final level is the D agent. Some call them master or senior agents. These agents comprise 5 to 10 percent of all agents. These standout agents consistently sell above anyone else. Unfortunately, you will lose them if they feel they cannot be independent, creative, and make more money. The compensation plan should be profitable for them. Separate these agents from the rest of the group; they do not want anyone to know the secrets of their success. Typically, these agents will not be good managers or supervisors; they are too independent.

The D agents are your best agents and should be rewarded with special privileges, such as handling new inbound callers or trusted with larger accounts where they can call on prospects, secure renewals, and revive lost clients. It is not wise to give your average agents these potentially higher profitable accounts and risk losing 20 to 50 percent in sales when you can have a sure thing with your D agents.

Kathy Sisk is founder and president of Kathy Sisk Enterprises Inc. and is a trainer and consultant, contributing thirty-five years of expertise to the telemarketing, sales, and customer service industries.

[From Connection Magazine Sep/Oct 2014]