Once used solely as a means to verify agent conversations with callers, Call Recording or Voice Logging systems have seen their utility expand greatly in recent years (see Call Recording and Quality Monitoring). No longer are they merely a means to prove that an order was placed, that the caller didn’t say that it was an emergency, or that an agent wasn’t rude (or confirm that the caller was). They allow for specific calls to be easily searched for and then sent to clients using a variety of methods, although email is the most common. Recordings – either selected ones or all for a particular client — can often be posted on a secure, password-protected website for access by clients to monitor or spot-check their call center’s work, as well as to review a specific call for any number of reasons.
Voice loggers also make an excellent training tool. First, they may be used by trainees to listen to and critique ideal and less than ideal examples of real calls. Secondly, they may be used for self-evaluation, by new and seasoned reps alike. Another increasingly common use is for agent quality control, where calls can be selected at random and then evaluated according to a call center’s quality criteria. Some systems have the means to link the agent audio of a call to the corresponding call record or screen capture, to imbed quality assurance assessment tools, or to join disparate sections of a call or transaction into a single recording.
Although each system has its own strengths and unique features, one distinguishing point is what gets recorded. Some systems record all headset audio, both during calls and between calls. This can offer additional insight into the call as well as provide eye-opening insight into agents’ perceptions and views of their jobs and employers; it can also raise privacy concerns. Other systems record only the call audio and do not record idle conversions with co-workers in-between. Some systems can work in either mode, allowing the call center management to decide which mode is appropriate for them.
Before implementing any recording system, check with an attorney familiar with such laws for your state. The biggest issue is whether or not both parties need to be made aware that the call is being recorded or if only one person (generally the agent) needs to be notified. Two-party notification can be made by a preamble recording (such as, “This call may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance purposes”) or a periodic beep tone. Other items to discuss are how agent notification will be communicated and documented, limits on the use of the recordings, and a storage and retention policy.
See our current listing of vendors that provide call logging and voice logging solutions.
[From Connection Magazine – September 2005]