Interview with Lori Jenkins, ATSI Convention Chair

Connections Magazine checked in with ATSI Convention Chair Lori Jenkins. After a successful convention in 2002, Lori reprised her role as convention chair in 2003. Here is what she had to say about this year’s convention.

Connections Magazine: What is the theme of the ATSI convention this year? Lori Jenkins: Learning by association — sharing ideas is what we are all about.

Connections: Will there be anything new or different from past conventions?
Jenkins: The one thing that comes to mind that I find very interesting is that we have moved into such a new world, both in terms of technology and with the constant threat of terrorism. With that in mind we will have an entire day devoted to disaster preparedness. We will cover such topics as how to help our country and each other in a disaster, how to route your calls and have your customers answered in another city or service, and how you can make money by being prepared for disasters.

Connections: What else can attendees anticipate?
Jenkins: Since we are at Disney we have some exciting things happening, including a behind-the-scenestour called “Innovation in Action,” and a Disney keynote address “Delivering Service Excellence.” Does anybody do it better? I don’t think so. Also, there will be a sales and marketing presentation that I think will knock our socks off. And of course getting to see what our vendors have come up with to help us meet the next challenge.

Connections: How many vendors have signed up for the exhibit hall so far?
Jenkins: So far we have 14. We are ahead of last year at this time, so we do anticipate selling out.

Connections: The number of ATSI members has increased nicely in the last year. What kind of effect do you think this will have on attendance?
Jenkins: Yes, membership is growing. Attendance can’t help but be great this year because of the hard work the members are putting into our organization. Networking is so important. So come meet new friends and see old ones. What a fun place to do it in.

Connections: Why should readers attend the ATSI convention this year?
Jenkins: We have a great agenda this year, something I think we can all sink our teeth into: service excellence, sales and marketing, disaster recovery, and legislative issues. Come learn with us and bring the family. Disney has agreed to give us the same room rate three days before and three days after the convention.

Connections: Do you have any closing comments?
Jenkins: ATSI has really begun to really and the “Learning by Association” theme is a huge part of that. We have some knowledgeable people pulling together to help make this all happen. We all owe them a great big thank you.

Connections: Thank for taking time to talk to us about the convention.  We are looking forward to it.

[From Connection MagazineApril 2003]