VoIP in Action

You have likely been hearing a great deal about VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), and you will be hearing much more about it – both in this issue and in the future. VoIP is not a technology fad or a trend that will be short-lived; rather, it is poised to change the future of telecommunications. At the risk of hyperbole, VoIP will revolutionize the manner and means in which voice communication is processed and transmitted. And the revolution has already begun. It is no longer a question if you will have VoIP implementations in your call center, but when.

Virtually all call center vendors who deal with the voice aspect of call handling are exploring or have developed VoIP products and software. The opportunities and benefits of VoIP are both myriad and promising. Here are some examples of what is available today.

Alston Tascom’s VoIP Applications: Alston Tascom’s VoIP applications for their Evolution system utilize VoIP on both sides of the switch. The Evolution system provides costless secure agent connections and VoIP DID calls, available from eighty-five percent of the continental United States. VoIP can be used to enhance a premise-based system or a hosted environment. Clients can have access from anywhere in the continental United States with local DID numbers, while agents can be located anywhere in the world with Internet access. When set up properly, a VoIP call is as clear as an analog call, so neither agents nor callers will know that they are on a VoIP connection.

Alston Tascom is a single-point solution provider of end-to-end contact center solutions with the latest in digital telephony technology, utilizing standard operating systems; it is a truly open database with off-the-shelf hardware. The Alston Tascom Evolution system is a complete contact center solution, powered by a unified ACD, IVR, voicemail, agent logging, and agent screen-pop, integrated with a robust SQL database.

Reach Alston Tascom, Inc. at 909-548-7300 or info@alstontascom.com.

Amtelco’s Infinity VoIP Options: Amtelco’s Infinity Software Version 5.5 offers optional Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) integration.  This includes the ability to interface with VoIP gateways from Cisco Systems, Quintum, and other VoIP switches to create remote agent capabilities and provide access to Infinity systems in different locations.

Call centers using Infinity and equipped with the new XDS VoIP board can easily IP-enable their infrastructure.  Agent audio can be migrated from traditional analog connections to VoIP.  Additionally, remote agents can connect an audio path to their home or remote office using VoIP, eliminating the need for and cost of a separate dedicated phone line.

This VoIP integration is made possible by a new XDS VoIP board, designed and built by Amtelco. Each board supports up to four T1 or E1 spans, providing high-density call processing within the Infinity chassis.

For more information, contact Amtelco at 800-356-9148 or info@amtelco.com.

Professional Teledata’s PInnacle Has Always Been VoIP-Ready: From its inception, Professional Teledata’s PInnacle telemessaging system was designed to be compatible with different VoIP applications. The company selected eOn Communication as its digital switch vendor due, in part, to their leading-edge position in VoIP technologies. This allows the deployment of any combination of Internet protocol (IP), digital technology, and analog technology to run a cost-effective, efficient operation.

Professional Teledata utilizes a true IP-enabled switch, which allows IP trunking (sharing calls between offices toll-free). The VoIP administrative and agent phones have all the functionality of normal office phones. Additional application features can include complete VoIP-enabled remote offices.

In a recent installation in a building that lacked sufficient space, adequate power, environmental controls, and backup, a PInnacle system and Millennium digital switch were installed in a nearby IT hosting facility several miles away that was specifically designed to house modern communications equipment. Communications between the switch and agent stations was one hundred percent enabled through VoIP protocols. From a single remote agent to a complete enterprise, Professional Teledata can provide VoIP solutions.

For more information, contact Karen Black at 800- 344-9944 x112.

RPT Secures VoIP Recordings: Record/Play Tek (RPT), providers of voice logging and call recording technology, has developed software and interface wiring to allow the secure VoIP recording of conversations. This includes the emission of the periodic fifteen-second “you are being recorded” beep tones, which are heard by both parties of the conversation.

RPT’s methodology is independent of the brand of VoIP phone system and is applicable to telemessaging, security, burglar alarm, office, and home recording.

Contact: Michael Stoll at 574-848-5233 for more information.

[From Connection Magazine November 2007]